We’ve organized this guide by suggesting wines for different types of occasions. Here are some parties that you might be invited to and the wines you need to bring.

For each occasion, we'll suggest four wines (both red and white). A single $ connotes prices from $0 - $20 and a double $$ covers prices $20 and above.

Sunday, April 19, 2009

The Start of a Simple Guide

I’m sure you’ve experienced the following scenario: you’re late for a party and you have ten minutes to run into a grocery store, pick up a bottle of wine, and arrive at the shindig before all the booze/girls/food is gone. One problem – you don’t know jack about wine. What should you get?

We’ve written this to guide you through this dire strait. We will teach you, nurture you, and then set you off into the world so you can forever be capable of choosing the best bottle of wine for any given occasion. In turn, your fellow party-goers and hosts will respect you more, like you more, and hopefully invite you again next time.

Of course, wine is not one size fits all. You might have to do a little research to find the right place to get these wines. (On a side note, when did “googling” constitute research?). Most of these selections should be available at a local Safeway or Trader Joe’s. If you’re lucky enough to have a wine shop close by, you can ask the shopkeeper for suggestions of similar wines.

More to come!

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